Play & Development

The opposite of play is not work—the opposite of play is depression.
— Brian Sutton-Smith

In a world as volatile, chaotic and uncertain as ours, people around the globe are dealing with feeling overwhelmed, frightened, anxious, and depressed. We overthink and become isolated. 

As children, we learned through play. As adults we can play throughout our lifespan in order to continuously grow and develop. Adult ensemble play makes space for creative and collaborative activity where we can access endless facets of our experiences — including the pain, isolation, anxiety, fear, anger, frustrations and cultural biases — to create new possibilities for human development. 

Marian incorporates improvisational play, performance and philosophical conversation in her social therapeutic life coaching practice to inspire human and community development through group creativity.

Using social therapeutics, a playful and performatory group-building approach, Marian helps adults play and invent improvisational spaces and activities in which they can experience themselves as ensemble performers of their lives. As a group leader, Marian empowers people to activate their creativity.

She leads with a welcoming and open heart - without judgment or critique - helping people discover ways that being honest and vulnerable can be strengths.

Grow, Study & Play with Marian!

  • Grow

    Social Therapeutic Coaching

    Join a weekly or monthly social therapeutic coaching group on Zoom and/or in person (New York City) co-led by Marian and Aurelie Harp. Together, we create an environment of discovery and appreciation, where everyone can make discoveries, create new possibilities and grow with others.

  • Study

    At the East Side Institute

    Marian is a core faculty member for the International Class, an immersion program in social therapeutics. Marian leads playful and philosophical sessions throughout the 9-month intensive online program for performance activists and social change leaders around the world.

  • Play

    At the Global Play Brigade

    Marian co-founded the Global Play Brigade during the COVID lockdown. Play with strangers across borders to build community and connection. Volunteer facilitators lead FREE sessions across the globe. Join us as we create new pathways for social change!